Zero-Tolerance Policy for Intoxicating Substances


In compliance with Ordinance No. 29596, Secure Valet has a longstanding commitment to provide safe and reliable transportation services to passengers and potential passengers and promote a quality-oriented and productive work environment. Alcohol and drug use during the course of employment is a threat to public health and strictly prohibited; has a zero-tolerance policy to ensure the health and safety of Secure Valet’s passengers and potential passengers, and to the security of the company's equipment and facilities.


This policy applies to all employees and all applicants for employment of Secure Valet Services, Inc. This is strictly enforced by all members of Design By AIB LLC.

 Work Rules

Employees should report to work on time, fit for duty and free of any adverse effects of illegal drugs or alcohol. This policy does not prohibit employees from the lawful use and possession of prescribed medications. Employees must, however, consult with their doctors about the medications' effect on their fitness for duty, ability to lawfully and safely operate a motor vehicle, and they must promptly disclose any work restrictions to any of the founding members of Design By AIB LLC.

  1. Whenever employees are working, are operating any of Secure Valet’s vehicles, are present on company business premises or are conducting company-related work offsite, they are prohibited from:

    1. Using, possessing, buying, selling, manufacturing or dispensing an illegal drug (to include possession of drug paraphernalia).

    2. Being under the influence of alcohol or an illegal drug as defined in this policy.

    3. Possessing or consuming alcohol.

  2. The presence of any detectable amount of any illegal drug, illegal controlled substance or alcohol in an employee's body system, while performing company business or while in a company facility, is strictly prohibited.

  3. Secure Valet will also not allow employees to perform their duties or operate any motor vehicle while taking prescribed drugs that are adversely affecting their ability to safely and effectively perform their job duties. Employees taking a prescribed medication must carry it in a container labeled by a licensed pharmacist or be prepared to produce the container if asked.

  4. Any illegal drugs or drug paraphernalia will be turned over to an appropriate law enforcement agency and may result in criminal prosecution.

Required Testing


Applicants being considered for hire must pass a drug test before beginning work or receiving an offer of employment. Refusal to submit to testing will result in disqualification of further employment consideration.

Reasonable suspicion

Employees are subject to testing based on (but not limited to) observations or reasonable suspicions by members of management, passengers or potential passengers or any individual you may come into contact with during the course of employment. Examples of behaviors that create a reasonable suspicion that an employee is under the influence of illegal drugs or alcohol include but are not limited to the following:

  • Odors (smell of alcohol, body odor or urine).

  • Movements (unsteady, fidgety, dizzy).

  • Eyes (dilated, constricted or watery eyes, or involuntary eye movements).

  • Face (flushed, sweating, confused or blank look).

  • Speech (slurred, slow, distracted mid-thought, inability to verbalize thoughts).

  • Emotions (argumentative, agitated, irritable, drowsy).

  • Actions (yawning, twitching).

  • Inactions (sleeping, unconscious, no reaction to questions).

When reasonable suspicion testing is warranted, the employee is immediately suspended and under investigation and will be instructed to cease driving immediately. Management or a supervisor will meet with the employee on location to transport the employee to an immediate 3rd party testing facility to administer a drug and/or alcohol test. Refusal by an employee will be treated as a positive drug/alcohol test result and will result in immediate termination of employment. Employees being tested for drug/alcohol use because of a passenger’s reasonable suspicion are instantly suspended until the conclusion of the investigation.

Under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to drive himself or herself to the testing facility. A member of management must transport the employee to the testing facility and arrange for the employee to be transported home.


Employees are subject to testing when they are involved in (at fault or not at fault), cause or contribute to accidents that seriously damage Secure Valet’s vehicle, machinery, equipment or property or that result in an injury or property damage to themselves or anyone else. Refusal by an employee will be treated as a positive drug test result and will result in immediate termination of employment.

Under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to drive himself or herself to the testing facility. A member of management must transport the employee to the testing facility and arrange for the employee to be transported home.

Applicants who refuse to cooperate in a drug test or who test positive will not be hired and will not be allowed to reapply/retest in the future.

Employees who refuse to cooperate in required tests or who use, possess, buy, sell, manufacture or dispense an illegal drug in violation of this policy will be terminated. If the employee refuses to be tested, yet the company believes he or she is impaired, under no circumstances will the employee be allowed to drive himself or herself home.

Employees who test positive, or otherwise violate this policy, will be terminated.

All members of Design By AIB LLC are responsible for policy interpretation, administration and enforcement.